September 23, 2007

The Nose Bleed Seats

I took the kids to watch Brandon's football game this afternoon. We had a really nice time watching Brandon play. I thought all day about how I was going to be able to keep Levi content. I was a little worried because I had come up with nothing and we were walking into the game. We stopped by the concession stand for a drink when I saw the Ring Pops. Eureka! Levi tried to steal Brandon's Ring Pop the day before. Sure enough - he sat still on my lap until the ring pop was gone! Levi really enjoyed watching the game. He would suck that ring pop like a binky then pull it out and shake it at the game and yell out to Brandon.

Aunt Shell had picked our seats to be at the very top row of the bleachers, right under the announcers' box. Now, in her defense, this was the only place to find any shade. However, a couple of my children weren't feeling walking up so high on those rickety old bleachers. Sierra, bless her heart, was pretty uneasy abo
ut walking the bleachers. I don't care what method she used to get up and down the bleachers just as long as she did it safely! Of course, I also told her how it was all Aunt Shell's fault for picking the nose bleed seats.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic Video! We had a great day, didn't we?

Unknown said...

Everytime I watch those videos I can't help myself but laugh a little. Now I think it is the whole thing that makes me laugh. The music in the background is We are the Champions we'll keep on fighting to the end....and here comes Sierra one little step at a time fighting her way to the end (or the top) of the bleachers. And in my defense I picked the bleachers with shade (I do have a red head child)that had enough room for all of us to sit together. What happened was when the 6th grade parents left there was more room down below I should have moved down a little. Aunt Shell is sorry Sierra.

Unknown said...

I'm still enjoying the video three days later. Love ya Sierra.