September 18, 2007

A Little Too Comfortable?

So the girls are totally in love with Lola. Sierra is actually going to bed better so she can get up a half an hour earlier to spend time with Lola. Sienna is still trying to understand Lola. Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish between a puppy's play and aggression. It's equally hard to know how to handle them. But we're having fun trying to figure it all out!

Here's a video of Sienna and Lola playing today. It's a little dark. Sorry. The camera kind of sucks inside the house. I still think it's cute though.


Unknown said...

Lola must be feeling comfortable and a little brave. Give Sienna a few days she'll let Lola know who actually runs the place.

Anonymous said...

I will try this again...I don't know where my first post went to...anyway I wanted you to know Wendy that you have more energy than you realize. I watched you tonight multitasking and I left wore out! Lola is beautiful but even more is watching Levi grow in leaps and bounds. He is such a little miracle! Sienna is very protective of both Levi and Lola! Sierra seems to be on cloud nine with the new addition to the household. Did you ever imagine you would be the mother of three, drive a mini van and have a cat and dog? Isn't it funny how life keeps changing us all? Enjoy the never know what's in store next! Love....Mom

Anonymous said...

what, no update?

Anonymous said...

Mom I can not see anyting it is just black!