September 28, 2007

Shhh...Don't Tell Daddy

Sienna apparently felt that Levi needed to accessorize today. He was only allowed to keep the purse long enough for the photo shoot. She promptly retrieved it back.


Danielle said...

ha! You know this kid is going to grow up to the THE biggest mans man in the whole world. One day, he'll just rebel, and refuse all things pink..or sensitive. Then you can point back to this day...and all will be explained:)

Anonymous said... know they will hate this picture lately....think back to the bathtub shots that you and Michelle
are appauled by. (I know appauled is spelled wrong...I can't figure out how to use spell check, okay.)

Unknown said...

Levi was probably just happy that Sienna was sharing something with him. I like those little jeans he has on.

Emily Jade said...

I have video footage of Evan at about the same age, buck naked with pom poms doing a cheer in fromt of a mirror. If Levi ever asks you in anguish "WHY?!?!?", tell him some kids had it worse :O)