September 25, 2007

"Get the Band-Aids!!"

We are now at that horrible stage of 'it looks like my family beats me up'. Levi constantly has a bruise or protruding lump somewhere. I noticed during bath time that he's got bruises up and down his shin. Poor little guy. We had to go to the emergency room on Friday. He fell down (not uncommon) and apparently smacked his mouth against the floor. He was a bloody mess. I was actually pretty calm, having already been schooled on mouth bleeding by Sienna. I thought the bleeding had stopped - he played - then napped. He woke up after about an hour of sweet sleep to freak me out when I discovered his mouth all bloody again with a small pool of fresh blood on his sheets! I just about had a heart attack! We quickly left for the hospital. He tore that small piece of skin where your gums and lip meet, right in the middle. No stitches needed. They said it would continue to bleed on and off for the rest of the day. Just give him popsicles. Let's recap: under-developed lungs, hydronephrosis, circumcision that wouldn't stop bleeding, heart murmur, RSV, bruises, busted lips.....I hope we both survive this!


Unknown said...

Levi is a fighter through and through. Thank goodness for his daily bannanas for breakfast, and his heavy calcium intakes.

Unknown said...

*bananas (I'm so sorry for the misspelling there Pooh)I looked up the word misspelling too.

Anonymous said...

The blood lines! Levi will survive.
Between the Chaffin and the Podraski blood line, Levi will be a champ. We all know that a Chaffin or a Podraski are fighters. He will be your tough little boxer yet!

Emily Jade said...

The moral of the story is...
Motherhood is NOT for sissies!!