September 09, 2007

Life Among Girls

All I can say is poor, poor Levi. I can only imagine what the rest of his life will be like! Sierra did Levi's hair today. She was originally wearing the blue head band but it ended up on Levi. Poor little guy. I don't know how to help him manage his life amongst females. My girls are absolute girly girls, just like their mother. But Levi is ALL boy! I just don't know what to do for him. I hope he doesn't mind getting pretty every now and then!!

Here's a little video of Levi enjoying his dessert yesterday.


Unknown said...

Levi looks very "pretty". It's not his usual look, but he does like nice. He loves his life with his sisters. The up side to life with two sisters is maybe he will have a good fashion sense. Brandon ended up telling both of his sisters what not to wear.

Anonymous said...

Levi doesn't mind all this attention...Lord help him when he's older and sees all this! The Video is adorable! Love...Grami

Anonymous said...

Just so you know....I tried to comment on the first will not let me! You were my life saver the other night when I locked myself out. As I get daughters become wiser...turning into more beautiful women than I ever realized..from the inside out! Thank you from the bottom of my