September 16, 2007

Here's Lola!

Introducing our newest family member, Lola! She is an eight week old pug puppy. Too cute, huh? (Like I need one more thing to take care of, right?)


Unknown said...

She is adorable! I don't think you've been this excited about a pet since you were a kid.She is super cute though.

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest puppy I have ever seen.

Emily Jade said...

awww...cutie! Lola is the title for Grandmothers in the PI, so I hope that she is blessed with a long and happy life :O)

Our puppy - Gooti - is a Bugg...1/2 Pug. 1/2 Boston Terrier. She has the greatest personality of ANY dog I have ever owned...and I've had a lot. In some pix, she looks like a black Yoda.

Has Lola started to "scream" yet? It's TOO funny. Pugs do it when they're excited. If you can, there are a TON of screaming pugs on YouTube, but there is also a video on my myspace. That's exactly what Gooti sounds like, her tongue out and everything!!