July 28, 2008

The Hannah Montana Concert

The Hannah Montana concert was on tv Saturday night. If you have a tween daughter or know any tween girls or ever shop at Wal Mart then I'm sure you've heard of Hannah Montana. If not, then I'll tell you that she's a 15 year old girl (daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus, 'My Achy Breaky Heart' guy) that the money making machine known as Disney has morphed her into a tweeny bopper TV/Rockstar. She's all the 'rage' on the tween scene right now. Disney aired the concert on tv and it also featured The Jonas Brothers, which are a Disney tweeny boy group of three brothers (one of which has caused Sierra to fall in love). Wal Mart has been giving out free 3-D glasses for weeks in preparation for the big premiere. The concert was being shown in 3-D (probably should have mentioned that).

The girls were soooo excited for the concert. They talked about it all day. Sierra had a countdown running. We had bought Hannah Montana microphone headsets as part of the treat bags for Sierra's party and the girls were planning on using them during the concert. The concert started at 8:00 so at 7:45 the girls ran upstairs to change into their Hannah clothes. I had no idea that they had 'hannah' clothes so I was anxious to see what they were going to wear. As they changed I started the popcorn and ice cream floats that I had previously promised. The girls arrived in the living room in their Hannah attire.

The concert started and so did their screaming. For a second I thought Hannah Montana was standing in my living room. I had so much fun watching them. They were aggravated with the 3-D glasses. They wouldn't stay on. So, I got out my hole punch and some leftover curling ribbon from the party and tied them to my children's heads. FYI: FREE GLASSES WILL REQUIRE MOMMY'S CRAFT BOX. With glasses back on so was the concert. They screamed, they danced, they screamed, they sang, they screamed, they ate, they screamed. It was like they were actually at the concert. I can only imagine what it would be like to take them to a live concert. It was alot of fun just watching them have so much fun.

The BIrthday Sleepover

Sierra's 9th birthday isn't actually until Tuesday but she had her sleepover party on Friday. The girls had alot of fun. Everything of course had to be Hannah Montana themed. I made so many water balloons that I thought the skin was going to fall off my finger. Sierra and one of her friends totally drenched me with water while I was wearing all of my regular clothes. Sierra thought it was absolutely hysterical. Why is it always so totally cool when you get a grown up soaked? The girls put on a fashion show for me. Well, actually they insisted that I be the photographer for the show. They had fun and were actually pretty well behaved.

July 25, 2008

The Big Day

Today is the big day - Sierra's Sleepover!!! Yeah! She is soooo excited. She is having a Hannah Montana/Jonas Brothers theme. We're just decorating her bedroom rather than half the house. (Hey- it's a sleepover) I'm excited for the party too. The parties get harder as the kids older. I always thought they would get easier, but they don't. The party itself isn't hard it's all the pressure I put on myself to make it absolutely spectacular and better than the last. Won't I eventually max out on ideas? But I haven't maxed out yet and this party is going to be great!

July 21, 2008

A Dog-Gone Normal Weekend

What can I say about this picture? This was pretty much how my entire weekend was. We didn't really do much but it was fun just the same. Max enjoyed his stroller ride and the girls loved the fact that Max would stay in the stroller (Lola would not). Levi thought it was pretty cool too. We had just a normal, relaxed weekend without any wild animal encounters (unless you count the small mouse Dave killed in the basement). Now we're getting ready for Sierra's Birthday Sleepover this weekend.

July 18, 2008

The Bravery Badge

Levi gets the bravery badge today! Daddy made a fire for the kids last night with smores and hot dogs. Is it still considered 'a fire' without the smores? Levi held his first sparkler last night!! What a big boy! On the 4th he wouldn't even consider taking a sparkler. Of course, he wouldn't take the sparker from me. I had to give the sparkler to Dave and then Dave gave it to Levi. Almost as if he didn't trust me.

July 14, 2008


So, I know I've been a TOTAL slacker lately with the blog. I just haven't felt like it. There's been much I've wanted to say but just didn't feel like putting out the effort it would require. Isn't that just terrible?! LAZY! Normally, today would not be the kind of day I would pick to blog as I am feeling a little 'down' today. Last night, about an hour after bedtime, the girls came downstairs to let me know that there was a bird in Sienna's room. Everyone knows I don't like birds and they don't like me but at least they don't carry rabies, unlike bats. However, to no surprise, it wasn't a bird but actually a bat. My investigation led me to discover the bat hanging on Sienna's window blinds. Now, it was after dark and the girls had already seen it fly from the hallway into Sienna's room. Obviously, I was absolutely petrified. I closed the door, tightly and put a towel over the space between the door and the floor. The bat was now trapped inside the bedroom and I felt safer. I checked on Levi (who was already sleeping) and thoroughly inspected his room and all the other rooms for bats. After deciding that each room was bat free and pulled all the doors tightly closed and went downstairs to call for mental support. My brother-in-law, Brian the Bat Slayer, had to work so we were on our own for the evening. Needless to say, I decided the girls would sleep with me in my bed but I couldn't get them to go without me (also needless to say). At one point I did get brave and decided that I was going to go get the bat. I made it as far as the bedroom door and I could hear the bat on the other side flying around and squealing. Needless to say (again), my bravery left me and I quickly checked on Levi, resealed his door, and RAN back downstairs.

By 1:00 am, the girls were fast asleep next to me in bed. Sleep didn't come as easily to me. I kept worrying about Levi being in his room by himself. He made a couple of noises so I went in to check on him. He was fine, I covered him back up and turned to walk out of the room when I see a bat flying up and down the hallway. I quickly slammed the door closed and scooped Levi up. There was no question about it now, he had to sleep in my bed with the rest of us. Good thing I have a king size bed, but it still wasn't a comfortable sleep. Anyway, I grabbed Levi's blanket and threw it over top of him (as to shield him from the bat confrontation that I feared was inevitable). I peeked around the door and saw no movements so I was gonna make a run for it (you know that long run across the hallway - 2 steps max) but then I heard it flapping around on the steps just around the corner. So I closed the door back. Levi laughed at me. I peeked again and the bat was flying around the hallway again. I closed the door. Levi laughed. I peeked again but the bat was still flying. I closed the door. Levi laughed. This went on for about 20 minutes before Levi quit laughing and just seemed very annoyed. I was annoyed too and hot. Between having already turned off Levi's fan and the blanket I had covering Levi and the one I had thrown over my head, I was starting to sweat and had had enough of being trapped in this room. So, I called out to Sierra through the baby monitor hoping she could open the bedroom door and Levi and I could just bolt through. However, she could sleep through a tornado and never heard me. Again I realized, I am on my own. I peeked around the door and didn't see or hear it so we ran for it. Obviously, we all survived but it was a terrible night. I didn't get much sleep for obvious reasons. And the small bit of sleep I did get wasn't very restful.

So, today I am left with the realization that I have a bat problem. Here is my reality: bats have now entered the living quarters of my children, David works on the road so I am mostly home alone with my kids, I am terribly afraid and unable to deal with the bats, - which all brings me to the harshest reality of all - I have to find a way to either keep the bats from coming inside or find a way to overcome my fear. Which would be easier to do? At this point, I have no idea. Brian the Bat Slayer came over this morning and did a thorough inspection of the house from top to bottom and NO bats were found. Can you believe that?! Not ONE?! For real? They obviously know how to come and go as they please but this is ridiculous. I don't know what I'm going to do.