October 29, 2007

A Weekend With Papaw

Dad came in for a visit this weekend. The kids were absolutely thrilled!! I love this picture of Dad and Shell. For some reason it seems to be really difficult to get a picture where everyone in it is smiling and looks good.

Shell kept the girls Saturday night and they all had a big sleepover, much to Sienna's delight! He brought his 4 wheeler which thrilled the children (except Levi). They all got to drive it, even Sienna.

Shell's go
t a very cute video posted of Sienna driving the 4 wheeler. Check out her blog here. Sienna told me that she went really fast! However, Sienna has a pretty nasty cough going on so she had to spend most of the 4 wheeler time watching from the kitchen window.

Sierra thinks she's the cat's meow on that 4 wheeler. Which she just might be. She got to drive it all be herself, no papaw on t
he back. Her and Bub thought this was just to cool. Shell refers to Sierra and Brandon as Bonnie and Clyde which fits them perfectly. I have a video posted at the bottom of this post of Sierra driving the 4 wheeler by herself.

Sierra took me for a ride. That was strange. She did really good and I wasn't afraid for safety (only once, large hole, I overreacted) but it's a very strange sensation to be driven by your child on something. My hat's off to any of you that have taught a child to drive!

Papaw tried to take little man for a ride too. He didn't get very far. Levi liked to look at the 4 wheeler and watch the other kids ride it but he wasn't into riding it himself. Dad took off with him and had to turn around and come right back. See the video posted below.

Everyone had a really nice visit. We love it when Papaw comes to town!


Danielle said...

how fun! I left a note on Michelle's website saying how much I loved 4 wheeling when I was a kid!! What great memories...

as far as the chicken pot pie, I'm pretty sure this is it:

Unknown said...

Maddie wants to know why she is not on the post with the other kids?

Wendy said...

Sorry Mad. Didn't mean to leave you out. Brandon isn't on this post either. But don't you worry you're pretty little head honey. Aunt Poohie's got a couple of things brewing in my pot over hear! Your mom took ALOT of AWESOME pictures from the sleepover. I've got a couple more posts to make.

Emily Jade said...

cute pictures!! My dad will never leave the hill...so no visits from him!! simply enjoy the moment :O)