October 10, 2007

Another Trip to Toledo

Levi had to go to the Toledo Children's Hospital for an ultrasound on Monday. For those of you who don't already know, Levi has mild hydronephrosis of his left kidney. This is a blockage between his kidney and bladder. We knew this since his first ultrasound. Levi is very lucky because his hydronephrosis is healing fabulously all by itself. Some children will actually need surgery or in extreme situations a series of surgeries. But Levi will not need any surgery or treatment of any sort if he continues to develop and grow at the same rate as he has been. The urinalogist just wants to continue to watch the situation. Levi gets an ultrasound about every 4 months or so. The biggest bummer of the situation is that we have to drive to Toledo for the ultrasound and then go back a week later to see the urinalogist.

The process for Levi's ultrasound is the same as a pregnant woman's ultrasound (my only point of reference). Diaper change and clothes changing is like battling a hurricane at this point so my level of concern for a Levi ultrasound was at high alert! However, he did awesome! I tickled him and he giggled like a mad man. He played with the tech's cord. He did great right up until we had to roll him to his side and then he had had enough. I was so proud of him though. I was sooo pleased with him that I took him to the park for some swinging before the drive home. I had
my camera with me so I was anticipating some really good shots of my happy boy. You know ~ the ones that show these beautiful happy babies with smiles from ear to ear, face tipped up toward the sun. Yeah, I didn't get that shot. You know Levi and his timing and I wasn't very diligent. We were at a nice park but I started to get a little paranoid being at a park in Toledo alone (I'm not counting the baby as someone who could help with defending for obvious reasons). So we only stayed about 10-15 minutes and I decided that I would rather enjoy Levi enjoying his swing than spend the entire time blinding him with the camera flash.

Levi got pretty fussy on the way home so I stopped and got him some french fries. This worked for a while until he decided to take the fries from me and then throw them at me and continue to hollar. I finally du
mped all the fries into the bag and rolled the top of the bag down and gave the entire thing to him. He was soooo happy with Mommy! He played with that bag for the rest of the ride home. He would laugh and talk to it, take a fry out and then put it back in. Don't forget the always fabulous bag shake, that's always fun. Of course, by the time we got home that bag was torn to shreds and my van was covered in french fries.


Emily Jade said...

Still a cute picture in the swing...he's the beautiful baby picture in HIS way! I'm still finding french fries in my van from our last trip to Ohio - in JUNE!! Of course, they could be from a couple of years ago...

Anonymous said...

Levi is growing more and more...He brings such joy to Mama and Papa!
Especially when he goes fishing in my fish tank! I've never had to pray for my fish before!

Unknown said...

Yes he is a beautiful baby hands down, but that swing pix does concern me a little. He looks like he is holding on for dear life. I can however appreciate the fact that you would rather spend the time with him than be patient for the perfect pix. Levi looks like he couldn't be happier in the french fry pix.