October 13, 2007

It's All In Love

Lola got some new clothes today! It's really strange because I never considered myself the kind of person that would put clothes on a dog. But from the first moment I saw Lola I knew that she needed a sweater. And in my defense, Pugs are not fans of extreme heat or cold. Now that it's getting colder Lola is shivering all the time. I kid you not. She curled up in front of a small electric heater today, shivering still. I finally put her on my lap and wrapped her in a receiving blanket. Poor little thing. The girls and I were very excited to play dress up with Lola tonight. I very much tried to convince Lola that it was all in love. I'm not sure if she believed me or not. She ended up getting 2 sweaters, a Halloween shirt and a witch hat. She didn't really enjoy the hat very much.


Anonymous said...

She really is cute but I can't help but read into her eyes in the bottom picture "help me" on her face. Her color is pink..makes her look softer.

Unknown said...

Of course even Pooh's dog looks cute in pink. Lola did need some sweaters for outdoors this winter. The hat does look cute too.

Danielle said...

Poor Lolia. I have to say the same thing I said to emily...you don't have enough little creatures in your house to dress?? :) She is cute tho!

Emily Jade said...

I LOVE the plaid sweater. Will she actually keep the hat on? Gooti won't...she'll wear whatever I put on her - but no hats. She has a hoodie right now that she'll wear outside (true statement about the poor things shivering) - just don't put the hood up :O) I learned my lesson about buying doggie clothes - she's outgrown lots of things already. Now she's almost full grown (about 14 lbs.), but I'm still leary. Kind of like buying clothes for your kids - eh?!?