October 24, 2007

The Front Page

Big thanks to my dear friend, Kristie, for giving me a call to let me know that one of my babies was on the front page of the paper! Imagine my surprise! Sienna was on the front page of today's Norwalk Reflector. Remember the cheer clinic from a few weeks back? Yep. There she is giving a big thumbs up. Too cute! The newspaper does a feature that showcases just random shots of regular people doing things locally (parties, games, festivals, reunions, etc.) So on the front page they show one of the pictures from the feature. Pretty cool, huh? If you click on the picture you'll be able to view a larger version where you can easily read the print under her picture. They spelled her last name wrong and I scanned crooked, but you get the idea.


Anonymous said...

How does it feel to be the mommy of
a star? We're all so proud of her!
May I add I'm proud of all my grandchildren....they all accomplish special moments in their lives....I'm proud to be part of their lives!

Unknown said...

It is a great picture of the little star! She looks so sweet here. It's hard to believe that Sienna cried at practices, didn't want the tatoo on cheer day, and yet here in the picture she looks like she's having the time of her life. I noticed the spelling, of course I thought I'd been spelling it wrong all these years.

Emily Jade said...

This is awesome!! She looks so cute in this picture :O) Way to go Sienna!!!