August 03, 2007

Levi Got In Trouble

Daddy and Levi hung out together while Sienna and I went shopping this morning. Levi loves to stand at the back of our couch and look out the window. He finds all the traffic (that drives way too fast on our road) very exciting. We have a table with a lamp on it next to our couch. Levi has never tried to mess with the lamp before. Until this morning with Daddy. Dave told Levi "NO", that he wasn't allowed to touch the lamp. Levi got very upset with Daddy and was done playing with him. I came home and Dave left for awhile and I didn't find out about any of this until the evening. Well, while Daddy was gone and Levi was playing with Mommy he made another move for the lamp. However, this time the outcome was much different for Levi. I thought it was cute and ran for the camera! This is probably why the kids listen better to Dave than me.

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