August 12, 2007

Isabelle's Birthday Party

We went to Isabelle's first birthday party yesterday. Isabelle is Danielle (Payne) Michael's daughter. She is absolutely beautiful! And she is already walking! Sadly, I'm mortified to admit that we didn't get any pictures of the birthday girl. How do you go to a birthday party and not get pictures of the birthday girl? I'll tell you how. It involves having one clingy baby, one curious toddler, 2 big kids that won't come off the water slide and a bigger kid that is busy being social butterfly. All of that plus one busy birthday girl equal zero pictures of the birthday girl. Don't worry though, I went to Danielle's blog and stole this picture of Isabelle so you all could see her beautiful face! To check out all of Danielle's blog click here.

We had a really nice time. We got to see so many people that we don't get to see very often. Steve and Molly have a beautiful home. Jona and her husband Eric are expecting their first child! Shawna Wiley and her three handsome boys were there. It was a very nice afternoon. We didn't get to stay and see Isabelle with her cake though. Levi was so fussy and just wallering me to death! So we had to cut out a little early.

Danielle brought a water slide for the bigger kids to play on. Sierra and Brandon had an absolute blast on that thing! That's all they did all afternoon. Everyone had a really nice time.


Anonymous said...

I hade sooo much fun.

Anonymous said...

LOL!! You stole a picture from Danielle to post. Cute. Oh Danielle please forgive us for not getting a picture of the birthday girl. Everytime I seen her (even though I had the camera around my arm) I just wanted to talk to her, and tell her how beautiful she was. Yes we all had a wonderful time, and even Jim Twaddle pointed out I got to see him twice in the same summer.