August 08, 2007

Heat Wave

It has been morbidly hot these last few days! We don't have central air. We do have a window unit in the living room (thank goodness) but leaving the living room is unbearable! Dave is still home this week (a truck repair situation) so we all got in the pool today. Now, this isn't unusual except for the fact that Levi got in too. He loves going to the rec pool but so far he hasn't been a fan of the floating in our pool. Today, however, he finally made friends with his floatie! He had me a little scared though, because he kept trying to dunk his head into the water. I was afraid he was going to flip over.

Sienna was obviously unhappy at that moment. Here's a little piece of video of Levi enjoying the water and the girls trying to grab all the camera time! (No shocker there).


Anonymous said...

Most of the children look like they are having fun. Others not so much.

Anonymous said...

Don't let Sienna's expression (or behavior on the video) mislead you. She was having fun - for the most part. lol

Anonymous said...

I lloovveedd it whant levi want simming.