November 23, 2007

My Hero

I do have a Thanksgiving post coming, I promise, but first I must deal with what is on my mind. I went shopping at 3:00 this morning for those fabulous after Thanksgiving Day sales, better known as Black Friday. I have never done this before as I am a night person, not a morning person. But I always felt like I was missing out on something by not going. Well, now I know what I was missing out on - PURE INSANITY! It was completely insane! It was virtually impossible to shop because the lines were so long for the check outs. You couldn't even see or get to the products on the shelf. Our first stop was Kohl's at 4am. The line for check out was completely insane and I just couldn't see myself waiting in line. My sister finally said for me to give her my stuff and for Maddie and I to go ahead and go to Toys R Us. Let me say that Maddie and I did Toys R Us and Best Buy while Shell was still standing in line at Kohl's. Shell waited in line for over 2 hours just for the check out at Kohl's! That doesn't include shopping time, just check out time. Can you believe that?! Shell kept a great attitude through it all and even seemed to enjoy herself. There was alot to be learned from Shell today, however it was all lost on me!! Shell was my hero this morning and I'm still amazed by her patience this morning! However, not to speak for Maddie, but I will probably never do Black Friday again!


Emily Jade said...

LOL...Wendy, we are TOO much alike!! I have never done Black Friday (my husband does it for our family) because I really don't see how I could save enough money to cover the bail that would be required if I actually did go. I don't do well with snotty people in crowds. I call this being pragmatic, not pessimistic!!

Emily Jade said...

question - have you had the honor of watching Yo Gabba Gabba on Nick jr. yet? What's your take on the red thing? I have my own opinion... ;O)

Wendy said...

I know what show what you're talking about but I refuse to allow it to play on my tv. I think I actually saw about 5 seconds of one episode and Sienna and I agreed that the show was creepy. So, thankfully, I have no idea about the red thing!

Unknown said...

That was so sweet of you to say such nice things about me, but I wouldn't say I was any kind of hero. All I did was stand in line..I didn't save anyone from a burning building, or rescue a cat from a tree,or a baby from a spider. Maddie agrees with you she also said she was never going again.

Emily Jade said...

If you get a moment, or can look it up online...Mr. Red thingy has a VERY questionable shape with little bumpies all over it and only has ONE EYE! It makes me laugh everytime I see it...