Myrtle Beach 2008
It is sooo nice to have Sierra home!! She had so much fun on vacation in Myrtle Beach, even though she was the only girl. Luckily, Brandon was able to go on vacation too, so at least she had her homie with her. Notice how tan she is in this picture. Let me add that the two boys on the far right live in North Carolina. All the kids decided to buy boogie boards with some of their 'vacation money' and they had a blast riding the waves on these things.
This is a picture of the pool where they spent any time they weren't on the beach. Here they got to do lots of cannon balls and dives. And probably run off anyone else trying to use the pool! They even got to swim here a couple of times after dark. There's always something cool about swimming after dark.
Here's a few shots of everyone at the pier just outside of their condo.Sierra and Brandon both had a wonderful time. They chatterboxed my ear off the entire way home from WV. I'm so thankful that they were able to make the trip with Dad and Hilde. I only wish Maddie and Sienna would have been able to go (Maddie had sport commitments and Sienna just wouldn't go without Mommy). I just wanna say thank you to Dad and Hilde for giving them such a great time and memories that will last them a lifetime!!
I'm loving the pictures. The summer pictures are always my favorite especially the water ones. Bub wants to know where the slip and slide photos are? And Ms. Diva couldn't get a regular visor or ball cap she had to go Diva all the way didnt she? Toooooo cute.
Well Pooh now that I've went over all the pictures and posted my Myrtle Beach post I see that you have selected the finest and best pictures for your post here. Excellent job Pooh.
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