December 30, 2008

Singing and a Santa Visit Too

Sienna had her Christmas program at the preschool. I know I'm a little behind getting these posted but hey~ better late than never. Right? She was so cute as always. Santa made a surprise visit for the kids. Sienna would not sit on his lap. He called her name and she went straight to Mrs. Clause. She said Santa was just too scary.


Unknown said...

Sienna seems like an old pro at the preschool....almost like she runs the show. Too cute. On another note did I miss my invitation to her performance?

Emily Jade said...

Ready for weird? I know Santa and the Missus...they are Ralf and Penny Seward. They attended each and every Thanksgiving with my Grandparents up until two years ago. They have two kids, Chris and Kevin (who is about a year older than me) - and I have oooddddllleeeessss of pix with both of them and their family. They are amazing people :O) How cool that they were Santa and Mrs. Claus at the school!