December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas to all...

Merry Christmas everyone! As you all know by now, Christmas is my favorite holiday. And we had an excellent Christmas this year! (like always) The girls were spoiled rotten with to many gifts. (like always) They got everything they wanted from Santa except for a princess talking kitchen and a laptop. I tried to tell Sienna that Santa knew that she already had a very nice kitchen in her room so he probably wouldn't bring her a new kitchen. She still held out hope and was a little disappointed to not find a princess talking kitchen under the tree. And as for the laptop~ Sierra is very aware that Santa doesn't bring those kind of gifts until you have a NEED for it. This is the 3rd or 4th year that she's asked for the laptop. Sierra got busy immediately playing her new pink guitar. As for Sienna, she got over the lack of the new kitchen as soon as Daddy got her new doll house set up. She exclaimed, "Santa Clause is the best!!"

I don't even know where to start with Levi. He was so awesome. The morning of Christmas Eve I was telling the kids that Santa was coming tonight and they were getting really excited. I was wondering exactly how much Levi understood about what was going to happen. So I asked him if Santa was going to bring him presents and he responded with a very aggressive head nod. Then I asked him where Santa was going to put the presents. He ran straight to the Christmas tree and pointed at the floor. He knew exactly what was going on. He was so cute on Christmas morning. Some of his boxes were bigger than him and he was dragging them out from under the tree. He tuckered out and wasn't able to finish opeing the last few packages. But don't worry, Sienna made quick work of those for him.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Here's some cute pictures of the kids opening their gifts.


Unknown said...

I like the new changes to your blog, nicely done. I even noticed that the kids have their own wrapping paper colors, very cute.

Linda said...

Christmas is a wonderful time of year. I am so grateful for my entire family and friends. You and Dave had a wonderful dinner and thank you for including us. What?
Santa didn't bring Lolo or Max anything?