July 05, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

I hope everyone had a wonderful July 4th!! Mom, Shell and the kids came over yesterday as well as Dave's mom, sister and her family! We had a wonderful time! Everyone brought a dish and Dave cooked the meat on the grill (of course). The food was great! All the kids had a great time playing and swimming in the pool. Dave set up a huge tent for the kids to play in - Sienna acts like she has a brand new house to play in! Things were pretty busy and I didn't get a chance to take any pictures! I was pretty bummed about that! I still wanted to drop a quick post to wish everyone a wonderful holiday!


Danielle said...

Happy 4th..that sounds like fun. We would have loved to have gotten to my parents to see everyone...but middle of the week!! SO we went to the zoo instead. oh well!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the zoo was a ton of fun though! Does Isabelle enjoy the animals? I bumped into your dad at the rec yesterday! It's always good to see you guys when the opportunity comes up. What about Jona - how is she doing? Enjoying the married life?

Danielle said...

Hey Wendy,

I wanted to send you and Michelle and invite to Isabelle's first bday. But I need your addresses! Can you send them to me? daniellecmichael@yahoo.com