July 23, 2007

Get Off My Back!!

I've been receiving some complaints about not posting enough. I'm not going to mention any names (Shell) but the complaints have been coming in. So let me address this issue now - My life is not all fun and games!!!!! Everyday isn't fabulous and picture worthy. I don't know where this idea is coming from. The weather has been a little cooler this week so we've been mostly indoors. And I think we all know what that means - the kids have been fighting alot.

But for those of you (Shell) who feel you're missing out on something fabulous I'll post some random shots from this past week.

This is what happens on rainy days! And it's usually followed by one of these.....................

Then of course we must have one or two of those off the wall shots of Levi (give me a break, he is on my hip afterall)!

However, I did manage to get a few cute pictures today (notice that I'm also posting them today). Sienna got to drive the Barbie Jeep today! Her driving record is horribly damaged already!! Here's some pics of the girls washing the ride!

Here's a little piece of video of the girls' car wash.


Anonymous said...

Well little miss ray of sunshine I enjoy the post. I adore Sierra's new hair cut. Something tells me it must have been Sienna's idea for the head piece attire. I'm sure her driving record will improve with time.

Danielle said...

I second Michelle's comment on Sierra's hair cut...adorable! It makes her look like a little middleschooler...is she almost in middle school???

And I have to say that your not-so- perfect-day pictures are hilarious..keep those coming!

Anonymous said...

Yes Shell, it was Sienna's idea to wear the panties on her head. She actually did it all be herself (obviously one of those times that I should have investigated the quiet). I am very grateful though that she got them out of the clean clothes basket rather than the dirty clothes hamper. Let that be a lesson to all of us - Don't feel bad about not folding those clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer.

And I love Sierra's hair too. It's a really cute cut on her. She'll be in the third grade this year. The time goes by sooooo fast! It's hard to believe that she's going to be in the third grade this year! For that matter, I still have a hard time accepting that either one of Shell's kids are past third grade (7th & 5th)!! Enjoy everyday now, Danielle. Because in the blink of an eye they're all grown up on you and you're left thinking 'What happened?!'