August 12, 2008

Please Don't Go....

Can summer already be approaching it's end? How can this be?! I'm no where near ready for summer to end. It's just not fair (that's my kids' favorite phrase, thought I'd try it out). Sierra's birthday has already gone by and Levi's is coming this week. School starts back up in 14 days. That's the only good part of summer ending - school starting!! It just doesn't feel like summer's been here nearly long to be leaving already. There's so much I still want to do ~ like swim everyday, take the kids to the zoo (although, I've been waiting for cooler weather) and the same for Cedar Point. I suppose that I can still those things (except for swimming) in the fall weather, it would be more comfortable. But that's not the point! I still don't want summer to end!


Danielle said...

I'm with you...not ready for summer to end! eesh.
You all should come and go to the columbus zoo with us. You could stay with us! They just added a bunch of stuff to the zoo...

Unknown said...

Well I know I'm out voted but yeah!!! bring on fall. I know you love summer, and it will be back next year. But it's time to move on past summer.