Merry Christmas To All...
Christmas was wonderful, as it always is. Long but great, as always. On Saturday we did Christmas with Dave's family at his mom's. There's a total of 8 kids ranging in age from 14 to 1. So all of the kids have a ton of fun together and I actually get to talk to the grown ups, since the older kids can chase Levi. It's pretty nice.
We stayed home on Christmas Eve and got ready for Santa. Sienna was very particular when it came to putting out the cookies and milk. I just followed her directions. I told the kids they could open one gift before bed. Sierra was pretty disappointed when I pulled her out from the tree and told her she didn't get to pick which gift, I already had the gifts picked out. It was their new jameys~ a Christmas staple. They all looked so cute ~ the girls in their pink jameys and Levi with his cars and trucks all over his. Simply adorable.
Finally~ Christmas morning. The girls came in my room at 7 exclaiming, "Santa came! Santa came!" We got up and woke Levi up and then the present unwrapping extravaganza began! Levi tore off that first piece of paper and brought it to me, like 'look mom'. He grew tired of unwrapping the presents pretty quickly. He just wanted to play. Even Sienna grew tired of opening gifts. She has
been sick though, I think that had something to do with it. Sienna is at that great age where everything is great. She was opening the last few gifts (after the motrin kicked in) and she came running up to me with a clothing box in hand. She said, "Look Mom! A white box!!" How cute is that?! I told her to open the box and she was just as excited to find a pretty skirt with matching shirt inside. Like I said, it's a great age. Sierra had a great Christmas too. She knows the truth about Christmas now so there was no Santa magic for her. However, it was AWESOME to see that awe and thankfulness that is usually reserved for Santa directed my way! She got the mp3 player that she wanted sooo badly and an outfit that she instantly fell in love with. After those two gifts the rest were great no matter what they were.
Papaw Walt (Dave's dad) came over for breakfast on Christmas morning. It was a really nice visit for all of us. Of course, Mom and Shell (with kids) came over for dinner. Another lovely visit. It was a really nice day.
It was a wonderful holiday for all of us. (I got my Lost Season 3 on DVD :) ). We're leaving for West Virgina in the morning to spend some time with Dad and Hilde. Shell and her kids are going with us and all the kids are SUPER excited! It should be a really great time!