June 24, 2008


Summer is finally here!! Yeah! I swear, I thought it would never come this year. I'm not going to mention all the rain we've been getting because I'm trying not to complain and just be thankful for the warmer weather.

Today, we packed our cooler, picked up Maddie and Bub, and went to the rec for some swimming. Let me say, that water was FREEZING but that didn't stop the kids. I couldn't get in past my knees. They swam around that pool like little fish.

Sierra was very excited to discover that she is tall enough for the slide this year. Since she wasn't tall enough last year she had to pass a swimming test to go on the slide. She was very grateful to not have to repeat the test.

We had fun and I'm sure the fun will continue. I'm dying to get some good pictures of the kids in the water but it's a little hard when I'm the only adult. Levi can't be trusted for 2 seconds. I think I walked about 5 miles today just following Levi from one side of the pool to the other. Levi is my 'exercise plan'.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pooh this is a good picture of you. Levi looks a little unhappy or maybe thats just sun in his eyes or something. Sienna & Maddie look like their having fun. And good ole Bonnie & Clyde look like they are plotting. I'm sure I'm just reading something into it.