June 29, 2008

The Basement of Doom

As much as I love our house I HATE the basement. And I have since day one. It reminds me of a scene straight out of Saw (if you've never seen the movie, I don't suggest it). It's yucky, creepy, gross~ I just hate it. The basement also happens to be home to my washer and dryer. So this totally sucks. I get totally creeped out every time I go down there ~ it never gets easier. Not only is my basement home to my washer/dryer, it is also home to the 'Animal Kingdom Gateway'. My family laughs at me and teases me because I enter the basement in a very cautious manner. I do a full eye sweep of every wall, floor surface, door, rafter, everything before I step into it. I have already encountered a bat, 2 birds (at the same time), a spider the size of my big toe, another bat (today), and another spider the size of my big toe (also today). This is a picture of today's bat. After the first bat encounter I now REFUSE to go the basement after dark. I really don't think this is normal. Dave (says) he did a thorough inspection of every spec of the basement and cannot find where they're coming in at. BIG BIG thanks to my brother-in-law, Brian. He came over today and removed my bat!! Words cannot describe my gratitude!

And here's a cute picture of Sierra with her hermit crab from Myrtle Beach, Angel. Just because I cannot make a post with only a nasty bat pictured.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes yes I do tease about your basement adventures, but honestly Pooh it is like wild kingdom for you and your basement. Kinda weird the stuff you encounter from your basement. And I really have no room to say anything because I will not go down in my basement at all.