November 01, 2008


Happy Halloween! The kids had so much fun trick or treating. Levi enjoyed it much more this year than he did last year. He was pretty scary actually. Of course he refused to ride in the stroller. He RAN every step of the way. I was so thankful that Dave was home and able to go with us. I made him deal with Levi and they had to walk behind me and the girls. Only because I just could not watch Levi running on the sidewalk~ I caught myself constantly holding my breath waiting for the big wipe out. Luckily, it never happened. He did fall several times but somehow it was always on the grass. He really liked all the people giving him candy but he liked it better when he got to get his own piece of candy out of the big bowl. Sienna tuckered out early and decided to ride in the stroller. And as for Sierra, she decided half way through that she must be getting too old for trick or treating because it was actually boring.

We went trick or treating with Shell and Brandon on Thursday too. I'll leave that story for Shell to post on her blog. All I will say about that (for now) is that I was very proud of everyone!


Danielle said...

How cute! We love Halloween too! It's so fun! I have been meaning to ask you about the suppliments you are selling...of course, just having a baby, I'm back at square one...urgg. I guess a big question is can I take them while nursing??

You can email me at

Unknown said...

I really missed Levi getting to trick or treat with us, but I'm sure Maddie and Grami loved getting to stay at home with him.