March 05, 2008

Dinner Time

I finally get to make a post! Yeah! I say that because my internet isn't all that I had hoped it would be. For what it cost us to get it I should be able to send emails to the moon and back in the blink of an eye. However, half the time I'm not able to send an email to my sister who is just 5 miles down the road. (I typed that last sentence and then the breaker blew!! It might be a sign) Anyway, I am grateful for this chance to blog again. This is a picture of Levi's cabinet. He claimed this cabinet for himself at the very first dinner I made in this house (which consisted of taking pizza out of the box). I keep this cabinet pretty empty just for Levi, with the exception of some water and a couple small things that sit on the shelf. He plays in this cabinet every night while I make dinner. I thought I would give you all a small glimpse into a very small piece of my life. This is what life is like in my house while dinner is being made. The video is a little dark but you get the idea.


Unknown said...

Where is the missing child? That seems to be a very quiet dinner time activity. My house usually goes with me trying to keep the kids out of the fridge while I'm cooking.

Maybe Levi just wants a little quiet space of his own, and the cabinet is it.

Anonymous said...

I love this!I've played it over and over....It brings a smile to my that little guy!