December 31, 2008

The Royal Pups

I can't hardly believe that the puppies are 2 weeks old already. They're getting so fat! They're just these little squealing balls of fat. They're so cute! We have 4 boys and 2 girls. When I was changing their bedding yesterday the girls decided to 'help' me. Which consisted of them playing with the puppies. Sienna refused to hold a boy puppy. She insisted that she hold one of the girls. And she found it hysterical that one of them was trying to get up on her lap. All of the puppies have their eyes open now. And they're starting to really get around. One of the boys is really a go getter. He's always scratching on their box and was all around the room when I took them out of their box. He seems to be much more active than the rest. Sierra has already started giving them names. Well, the girls that is. My girls seem to neglect the boy pups a bit. But the girls are royalty already. It makes perfect sense really. We've always said that Lola is a princess. She acts very regal. But Max, he's more like the jester. So I suppose it makes sense the girl pups would be princess like and the boy pups ~ well let's just say that they're not show any signs of regalness or royalty.

December 30, 2008

Singing and a Santa Visit Too

Sienna had her Christmas program at the preschool. I know I'm a little behind getting these posted but hey~ better late than never. Right? She was so cute as always. Santa made a surprise visit for the kids. Sienna would not sit on his lap. He called her name and she went straight to Mrs. Clause. She said Santa was just too scary.

December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas to all...

Merry Christmas everyone! As you all know by now, Christmas is my favorite holiday. And we had an excellent Christmas this year! (like always) The girls were spoiled rotten with to many gifts. (like always) They got everything they wanted from Santa except for a princess talking kitchen and a laptop. I tried to tell Sienna that Santa knew that she already had a very nice kitchen in her room so he probably wouldn't bring her a new kitchen. She still held out hope and was a little disappointed to not find a princess talking kitchen under the tree. And as for the laptop~ Sierra is very aware that Santa doesn't bring those kind of gifts until you have a NEED for it. This is the 3rd or 4th year that she's asked for the laptop. Sierra got busy immediately playing her new pink guitar. As for Sienna, she got over the lack of the new kitchen as soon as Daddy got her new doll house set up. She exclaimed, "Santa Clause is the best!!"

I don't even know where to start with Levi. He was so awesome. The morning of Christmas Eve I was telling the kids that Santa was coming tonight and they were getting really excited. I was wondering exactly how much Levi understood about what was going to happen. So I asked him if Santa was going to bring him presents and he responded with a very aggressive head nod. Then I asked him where Santa was going to put the presents. He ran straight to the Christmas tree and pointed at the floor. He knew exactly what was going on. He was so cute on Christmas morning. Some of his boxes were bigger than him and he was dragging them out from under the tree. He tuckered out and wasn't able to finish opeing the last few packages. But don't worry, Sienna made quick work of those for him.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Here's some cute pictures of the kids opening their gifts.

December 17, 2008

Lola is a Mommy!!

Lola had six puppies last night! AND SHE'S STILL ALIVE! She was so amazing. Momma and all the pups are doing so incredibly well. Lola is a really good momma. She looks sooo skinny now. The kids are so excited and doing really well about understanding that they can't touch the pups yet. Levi is trying to understand but he really wants to give them kisses.

Thank you so much to everyone who was thinking of and praying for us. I was terribly worried about Lola. I knew as soon as Lola got up yesterday that those babies were coming. She just wasn't herself and her belly had dropped. But even with that knowledge I still felt quite calm and peaceful. I had spent much time praying about Lola. I wasn't really sure if I could pray for a dog. Does God take those calls? God created all things (including dogs) and He is Lord of all things (including dogs). So, if He wanted to save and protect my dog, He could. So I asked God if it was ok for me to pray for my dog and He showed me (again) that I was praying for the wrong thing. I needed to pray (and mean it) that His will be done. I knew there was some sort of a lesson in the situation that God was trying to teach me. It was the first time in my life that I was actually able to resign myself to His will, no matter what the outcome. I was able to make peace with whatever was going to happen, before it happened. So through the delivery I just continued to pray that the Lord give Lola the strength she needed and to give me the strength that I needed, too. Through it all not only did I feel peaceful but Lola seemed to, too. Not once did she wine, yell out or even pant. It was actually a very amazing and peaceful event (and gross too). So here's some pictures of our amazing new additions.

December 14, 2008

"Jesus was with me!"

Sienna is alot like me on certain things. She is terribly afraid of spiders. I called my mother once while trapped in my own bathroom because a HUGE spider was between me and the exit. Sienna doesn't like anything scary or spooky. There were several houses on Halloween that she skipped because they were too scary.

That being said, Dave LOVES anything scary or spooky. It could never be too scary for Dave. Dave has a couple of scary masks that he bought at Halloween time. Sienna (and Levi) absolutely despise when Dave puts the mask on. Even though Sienna totally knows that it's just Daddy wearing a mask, she gets totally freaked out. In an instant she is hysterical and I'm screaming at Dave. He pulled one of his masks today and the usual hysteria ensued. Many hours later, I walked in on a conversation between Sienna and Sierra. I heard Sienna say Jesus, and my curiosity was sparked. So I asked her to tell me what she had just told Sierra. So she says me (so seriously), "Jesus was with me." So I responded just as seriously with, "When?" So she proceeds to tell me, "When Daddy had that mask on and him scared me, I was soooo scared! So, Jesus was with me."

December 09, 2008

December 06, 2008

Do you want a time out?

It's been a while since I've done a Levi post. So this post is all about Levi. He's a wild man. He reminds me of the 'class clown'. The biggest mistake you can make with Levi is to laugh at him. Once he gets a laugh out of the you, the behavior will never stop!

We're making good progress on the temper tantrums, too. They're not as often and not quite as intense as they once were. I've known for quite some time that my main problem with Levi was finding the right form of discipline. L
evi seemed to be immune to any form of discipline. I tried everything~ spanking, hand smacking, time out, smiley/nonsmiley signs (therapist suggestion), take away favorite toys~ it just didn't work~ any of it. Actually, they all seemed to make the bad behavior worse. I was starting to doubt myself (I never thought it possible, either) thinking that I might never find an effective way to discipline him. Then one day in the midst of my desperation set off and sustained by Levi not listening AT ALL and basically just running wild, I just asked Levi if he wanted a time out. He immediately stopped the behavior and shook his head an adament no. I couldn't believe it. It was the first time he actually listened. Well, technically, he didn't listen- he made a decision. So now I am using this constantly and it's consistently working. It's almost as though he doesn't want to be 'made' to do something. He needs the decision to stop the behavior to be his own. I'm just so incredibly thankful that we've finally found something that will work.

December 02, 2008

My Lola Bola

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday! My was wonderful with lots of family. I'm putting up a picture of Sienna and Levi's tea party with Papaw just so my sister will stop complaining of my animal pictures. But this post is about Lola. Sorry Shell. Lola is pregnant and ready to pop at any moment. I'm very worried about her. She had some health concerns before getting pregnant but now I'm worried that the delivery will be too much for her. It's my own fault for allowing this situation to happen. I knew that Dave didn't want to get the dogs fixed and would still like to see them breed. He let me believe that I could somehow keep the dogs seperated and prevent them from breeding. However, it's still my fault for even listening to him. I knew what we both wanted was completely opposite from the other. I should have done my own research and came up with my own plan, instead of just using his 'keep an eye on them' plan.

But, whatever, my situation now is that Lola is going to give birth extremely soon. I'm scared. I don't know what to do. I've been reading the internet to get prepared and try to be knowledgeable on what to expect and do. However, that's making me even more scared. Things could go wrong. Lola could die. It happens with completely healthy and normal pugs, let alone one's that already have an issue or two. Or, Lola could give birth with no complications or problems and without needing my assistance at all. She could be perfectly fine. It's kind of like a coin toss. I feel like I'm holding my breath waiting for a coin toss to decide my fate. And yes granted, it's not my fate ~ it's Lola's. But it almost feels like it might as well be mine. Is that weird?

I'm an intense person. When I love, I love completely~ with every part of me and all that I am. I don't know how to half love or some love, it's all or nothing. And that includes my dogs. Dave isn't like that with the dogs. To him they are animals, nothing more. To me they are members of our family. Almost like my kids. (My kids do come first though). If Lola doesn't survive this, Dave will be a touch sad for the kids bu
t he will move on, at the same moment that he finds out. But for me, it will be much different. I will morn her. I will morn the loss of her in my life and in my children's lives. And I will be terribly devastated by the role I played in it all.

However, I cannot focus on what could happen. I can only concentrate on now and what I can actually do. I can prepare the best that I can. I can be ready. I can help Lola be as comfortable and safe as possible. I can hope with all the love that I have that she is going to be just fine.

November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! I love the opportunity that today brings to share time with family and reflect on all the things I am thankful for. I hope all of you have a WONDERFUL day filled with lots of family and lots and lots and LOTS of love!!!!

November 21, 2008

Before & After

Wow - I can't believe it's been 2 months since I started my Wellness Journey! But tomorrow is day 60, already. I feel like a completely different person. I've lost 27 pounds (I'm hoping tomorrow it will be 30) and 23 inches from my frame. That's including 11 inches from my waist and 10 inches from hips!! That is just absolutely amazing to me. I've gone from a size 18 to a size 12. My energy is so amazing. Not because I'm running around the house like a crazy person but because it's sufficient energy that lasts ALL day long. My body is different somehow on the inside, I think. I crave different things now. I actually made a special trip out to Berlin Heights yesterday just to buy some apples from Burnham Orchards. That might not seem very significant to some of you, but trust me, that's huge in my world. Before I never would have driven out of my way (especially to Berlin Heights) for anything, except maybe some chocolate or gravy-n-biscuits. I eat peas now!!! That's MAJOR for me! I have never in my life enjoyed any sort of pea prepared in any fashion. Now I really enjoy them.

I just feel really amazing! I feel like I have my life back. I'm putting up a few before and after pics for your viewing pleasure! :)

August 2008:

November 2008:

November 17, 2008

What would Tyra say?

I know that I've been a total slacker lately at updating the blog. It's not that I haven't made any posts, because I have, but I have not published them. Sometimes blogging is incredibly therapeutic for me. I start a post about something and it ends up going in a completely different direction. However, those posts usually end up very personal and raw. And even though I feel good about whatever realization I have made I am usually not ready to share those thoughts. Anyway~ let's move on.

My house has been ove
rrun by the flu for the last WEEK. Everyone (including myself) got the stomach flu. YUCK. But Sienna was hit much worse than anyone else. She missed all of last week from school. She started with the stomach flu but it then moved on to a terribly high spiking fever ~ we're talking 103 degrees. That's scary. But it get's weirder - when her fever would go away, vomiting would replace it. Once the vomiting went away, the fever came back. It was a very long week. She's still trying to get back to her usual self. She did go to school today so that's a HUGE improvement! Just before the very unwelcome visitor (flu) came to my house, Sienna and I had a little photo session. She loves to direct the photo shoots. We took a few fun pictures and I looked at those pictures all last week just to get me through. So I thought I would share a few.

Pouty Face~
Please notice Sienna's lip. I swear you could set a bottle of nail polish on it and walk away. My pouty face was a little lacking~ needed more bottom lip.

Crazy Wild Tongue Face~
Sienna looks awesome! Her eye is so intense. While I ended up with no top lip, a rubber chin, 2 lazy eyes, and a freakishly short tongue.

Sleeping Face~
Sienna looks like an angel in this picture. Don't cha think~ like a sweet little cherub?

????? Face~
I have no idea what this one was supposed to be. It looks like something might have gone wrong, tho.

November 01, 2008


Happy Halloween! The kids had so much fun trick or treating. Levi enjoyed it much more this year than he did last year. He was pretty scary actually. Of course he refused to ride in the stroller. He RAN every step of the way. I was so thankful that Dave was home and able to go with us. I made him deal with Levi and they had to walk behind me and the girls. Only because I just could not watch Levi running on the sidewalk~ I caught myself constantly holding my breath waiting for the big wipe out. Luckily, it never happened. He did fall several times but somehow it was always on the grass. He really liked all the people giving him candy but he liked it better when he got to get his own piece of candy out of the big bowl. Sienna tuckered out early and decided to ride in the stroller. And as for Sierra, she decided half way through that she must be getting too old for trick or treating because it was actually boring.

We went trick or treating with Shell and Brandon on Thursday too. I'll leave that story for Shell to post on her blog. All I will say about that (for now) is that I was very proud of everyone!

October 15, 2008

Football Mini-Cheer '08

The girls had their mini cheer clinic a couple of weeks ago. As always, it was a ton of fun. The only thing I wish was different is the placing of the girls. They're always on complete opposite ends. It makes it difficult getting pictures. Have fun trying to figure where the girls are in the pictures. Next year I'm going to figure a way to 'mark' them.

October 14, 2008

A quick update

Sorry it's been so long since I've blogged! I've been busy, busy, busy. And I'm shrinking!! I've already lost 14 pounds and 19 inches of fat from my frame~ that's including 7 inches from my waist already!! Can you believe that?! And I feel absolutely amazing~ like a million bucks, to be honest! I never knew it was possible to have so much good energy. I can almost keep up with Levi now! If any of you are interested in hearing about the life changing program I'm using please contact me or leave a comment saying so on this post and I will contact you.

I've got some pictures and video of the girls doing their mini cheer clinic last week and I will try to get them up later! They were sooo cute (as always)!

September 29, 2008

The Battlefield

As many of you know already, I'm making some changes. I've embarked on, what I'm calling, a 'wellness journey'. It started with answering, yet another, ad in the paper for a home based business. It turned into something else completely. Something about this company and the words they said awakened something in me. The company I am working with is in the wellness industry and we sell wellness products (weight loss or gain, more energy, and so much more). I have started with the weight loss program and lost 5 pounds and several inches after only 2 days! But it's more than just the weight. I feel sooo good! Before, I would wake up everyday feeling exhausted, as though I'd been run over by a truck. Now, I wake up and feel good! If I don't loose another pound it's worth it for me to just good waking up feeling good in the morning (and without the back pain I've endured for years). I'm on a mission now ~ to get my body and life healthy. To set a good example for my kids and to be able to keep up with them too. I've even started keeping a video journal so that I can blog about my wellness journey. I'm not quite ready to share that blog yet as I'm having some trouble getting some of the videos to upload. Hopefully, in a couple of days I'll have that up and running to share with you.

That one phone call changed my life. I've made that same phone call a million times before. This one was different. I really feel that God delivered a solution to a situation and a message ~ GET IT TOGETHER. Everyone knows I always use the 'get it together' speech on my kids, my sister, my mom, my dad, myself ~ virtually anyone. If I feel you need to get it together, I'll let you know. Well, I think God was tired of my spoiled brat ways (complete with temper tantrums and pouting spells). For a while now my soul has felt very uneasy, almost restless. Sometimes it will actually be very intense and overwhelming. I'm amazing when it comes to ignoring something and running from it. Which is pretty much what I've been doing. To try to settle my soul would mean change. Well, I'm done running and ready to deal with myself. When God tells you to Get It Together, that's serious. So now I feel like my soul is on a battlefield, which I suppose it is. I'm determined to walk through this and comeout on the other side with soul healed and stronger than ever. I was at church yesterday and asking God why my soul had to feel so troubled and stirred and wounded and almost terrorized. I swear He said to me so clearly, "Wendy, when you burn all your bridges you have to walk through the fire to get back." Well, I'm willing to walk through the fire to get back Home. It will only make me stronger when I get there. So, please keep me in mind and say a prayer for me on my journey. It's gonna be a good one!

September 27, 2008

Mamaw's Quilts

My mamaw makes all of the grandkids a quilt. She made one for me and my sister and all of our kids too. This is the one she just made for Levi. Isn't it just too cute? I love the quilt and so does Levi. He always make it me lay it down on the floor and then he gets his cars and drives them all over it. Mamaw even made him a matching valence for his bedroom window. Thank you so Mamaw!!

September 18, 2008

Go Fly a Kite

Before the wind became too intense last Sunday, we attempted kite flying. We have a wind advisory in effect so my family grabs the kites and heads outside~ that's normal, right? My only intent was to be the camera person but I ended up being the kite retriever. Since the wind was so intense it was super easy to get them going again. Basically all I had to do was pick it up and let it go. The kites flew with no trouble in the strong winds but they also took some serious dives straight down (point first). Since I had become the kite retriever I spent most of time directly in the path of the death kites (that's exactly what they looked like from my view). Strawberry Shortcake and Barbie were really cute until they were bearing down on me faster than the speed of light with a vengeance.

The girls enjoyed the kites. Sienna's ended up in a tree, sadly. But Sierra grew tired of hers and Sienna was more than happy to take over.
Eventually Sienna grew tired of the kite as well and Dave was the only one left flying the kites (always a kid at heart). It was alot of fun. A few hours later our power went out (right in the middle of making dinner) and did not come back on for 20 hours!