December 21, 2009

Levi's 1st Christmas Program

Levi had his first Christmas program at the preschool last Thursday. This is the same exact Christmas program that Sienna did last year and the year before, when she was at the preschool. However, it certainly didn't feel like I was watching the same program. I was very concerned about starting Levi in preschool this year. He is a young 3 and still has behavior issues we're working on. However, his teachers tell me that he is their pleasant surprise this year. He hasn't given them any trouble so far. No fits of rage, no throwing, no hitting, no biting. He follows the routine and transitions well. Huh?! That is complete polar opposite of his behavior at home. I'm thankful that he is well behaved at school but he wish he would be that way at home too.

I think the teachers got a little taste of Levi's home behavior the day of the program. He was very excited at the begining. Somewhere toward the end of the first song, something went wrong. I think the jingle bells ringing was too loud for him. He covered his ears and that was the begining of the end. He stuck his tongue out at me, he yelled NO at his teacher, he sat down and refused to get back up, he yelled NO at his teacher again and turned his back on everyone. I kind of held my breath through most of the program afraid of what he might do next. Here's a few quick videos of Levi in action.

December 17, 2009

Sierra's 1st Band Concert

Sierra joined the band this year and is playing the flute. This is the first year that band has been offered to her and she was very excited to join. She is doing really well at playing the flute, too. They had their first concert last week. I was surprised that they would have one so soon. They've been practing since the 2nd month of school but only at their recess time and just the flutes - not the full band together. For one month the entire 5th grade band has been practicing together. That's not alot of practice time for a concert, in my opinion. But they all did really well. There is about 50 kids in the 5th grade band. I wish I had more pictures to post but it is sooo difficult to get a good photo in the gym with my camera. Something about the lighting. In the pictures I do have, you'll find Sierra in the front row second seat from the left. But I did get some video too so I end with the video. Enjoy!