September 28, 2007

"I Don't Want to Cheer Anymore"

"I don't want to cheer anymore" says Sienna at least 5 times a day. However, she spends everyday - all day cheering. Or she'll be pretending that she's the big cheerleader from the mini cheer clinic. This picture was Sienna this morning being a big cheerleader on my coffee table. I told her to be a big cheerleader on the floor to which she replied that no one would be able to see her from there. She needs a stage. (Some of the high school cheerleaders used the stage to show the cheers.) Please notice that Sienna even has her tennis shoes on. She now refers to her tennis shoes as her cheerleading shoes. She's even wearing her name tag from the cheer clinic. In the middle of her cheer she'll stop and tell me that she doesn't want to cheer anymore. I told her that's fine, she doesn't have to cheer if she doesn't want to. Then later she says that she does want to cheer. I'm just waiting till February and I'll ask her then.

Shhh...Don't Tell Daddy

Sienna apparently felt that Levi needed to accessorize today. He was only allowed to keep the purse long enough for the photo shoot. She promptly retrieved it back.

Just Another Mistake of Many

In my mind putting these two in the tub together was a good idea. In reality, not so much. We were running late on bedtime. Anyone can tell you, I'm a HUGE stickler when it comes to bedtime. By the end of the day I'm completely spent and ashamed to admit that sometimes I actually have a countdown running to bedtime. So, I thought it would save me some time to bathe the little ones together. I also thought that Sienna being in Levi's bath might make a nice distraction for him and get him to sit still long enough to wash his little body. In reality, the complete opposite happened. I ended up having to wash his hair and his body while he was standing up. I really wanted Sierra to get a picture of this but considering the fact that my butt was straight up in the air since the rest of my body was lunged into the bath to ensure Levi's safety, I decided against the photo op.

September 25, 2007

"Get the Band-Aids!!"

We are now at that horrible stage of 'it looks like my family beats me up'. Levi constantly has a bruise or protruding lump somewhere. I noticed during bath time that he's got bruises up and down his shin. Poor little guy. We had to go to the emergency room on Friday. He fell down (not uncommon) and apparently smacked his mouth against the floor. He was a bloody mess. I was actually pretty calm, having already been schooled on mouth bleeding by Sienna. I thought the bleeding had stopped - he played - then napped. He woke up after about an hour of sweet sleep to freak me out when I discovered his mouth all bloody again with a small pool of fresh blood on his sheets! I just about had a heart attack! We quickly left for the hospital. He tore that small piece of skin where your gums and lip meet, right in the middle. No stitches needed. They said it would continue to bleed on and off for the rest of the day. Just give him popsicles. Let's recap: under-developed lungs, hydronephrosis, circumcision that wouldn't stop bleeding, heart murmur, RSV, bruises, busted lips.....I hope we both survive this!

September 23, 2007

The Nose Bleed Seats

I took the kids to watch Brandon's football game this afternoon. We had a really nice time watching Brandon play. I thought all day about how I was going to be able to keep Levi content. I was a little worried because I had come up with nothing and we were walking into the game. We stopped by the concession stand for a drink when I saw the Ring Pops. Eureka! Levi tried to steal Brandon's Ring Pop the day before. Sure enough - he sat still on my lap until the ring pop was gone! Levi really enjoyed watching the game. He would suck that ring pop like a binky then pull it out and shake it at the game and yell out to Brandon.

Aunt Shell had picked our seats to be at the very top row of the bleachers, right under the announcers' box. Now, in her defense, this was the only place to find any shade. However, a couple of my children weren't feeling walking up so high on those rickety old bleachers. Sierra, bless her heart, was pretty uneasy abo
ut walking the bleachers. I don't care what method she used to get up and down the bleachers just as long as she did it safely! Of course, I also told her how it was all Aunt Shell's fault for picking the nose bleed seats.

September 22, 2007

Rock-n-Rider Cheer Clinic '07

Today was the Western Reserve Mini Cheer Clinic for the football season. They do 2 of these clinics every year, one for football and another for basketball. Sierra has done each clinic since she started kindergarten but this is Sienna's first year getting to participate. They do 3 practices during the week and then they cheer at the JV game. The cost of the the clinic is $35 per girl. NO DISCOUNTS for multiple children from the same family. Sienna did not want to stay at cheerleading practice. There was one day that she did not stay. We both left crying that afternoon. We managed to make it through the practices but I was a little hesitant as to whether Sienna would actually take the field today or not. She did not want her shirt, tattoo or hair, but I told her that she was getting them anyway. She took the field like a champ. Once she saw Brandon and Aunt Shell she even started to participate in the cheers!

Sierra always participates in the cheers. She absolutely loves the cheer clinics and she always does an awesome job!! She is turning into quite the cheerleader! Sierra can still tell you cheers that she learned in kindergarten.

This is the first one of Sierra's programs (of any sort) that I have actually made it through without sobbing! It's so hard to explain. When I watch her do these things I
can see her as her own individual being. Someone so special and unique. I feel so proud of her. The feeling of love and pride is so intense in that moment that it almost becomes a physical ache in my chest. It can be very overwhelming. Today I was so caught up in trying to make sure I had the same amount of pictures and videos of both girls, it was a nice distraction from my out of control emotions.

They both did an absolute wonderful job today! I am so proud of them both!! I love you both so much girls! You make Mommy sooo proud of you!

She's Just A Baby!

Uummm.... I'm not sure this is a good idea. "She's just a baby!" This is what Sienna is constantly saying. It's only 7:30 am and Lola has already been carried up the stairs, down the stairs, locked in her cage, and had several pictures taken - all courtesy of Sienna. I hope this dog survives us!!

**The girls have their mini cheer clinic performance this morning. I'll have some more pictures to post later (and I'm sure a fabulous story too). I'm just hoping Sienna actually takes the field!!

September 21, 2007

Thank You God

So different are my 2 girls, yet so alike. They are both the essence of princess. Sierra is a go with the flow kind of girl. But don't cross her. She will always stand up for what she thinks to be right. And if you're her friend, she'll defend you all the way to the principal's office. She knows that Mom has her back and she draws a strength from that. I've always told her that if she knows what she is doing right then don't be afraid. Be prepared to take your consequence and call me. We'll take your consequence together and then go shopping! I'm not saying that she's never scared but she's strong enough to walk straight through her fear. And that makes me soooo proud of her!

Sienna is a different story. Just because Mom said something doesn't make it so. She has to discover it for herself before she'll accept it. That worries me for Sienna. I have always been like that too so I know how troublesome that personality trait can be. But Sienna has a HUGE heart. When she loves, she does so with every ounce of her being plus some - but she dislikes just as much. She is very intense no matter what the feeling or action. She is not a go with the flow kind of girl. It's her way or no way. Sienna is a fish swimming upstream - always against the current.

And then there's Levi. I'm still trying to figure him out. Completely his own person. He's just a big ball of happiness! He is by far my most loving and affectionate baby. He will seek you out just to lay his head on your leg or give you a big squeeze. He is also the most challenging of my toddlers. He needs instruction. The girls figured out all their stuff (crawling, standing, etc) on their own. Levi not so much. Once you show him the right way to go down the step or get off his bike he's got it, but usually you have to show him first.

They're all so totally different yet I love them each exactly the same way - with every part of my soul. I would be so lost without any one of them. They are my life. And each of them has completely changed my life in their own unique way. I am so thankful for each of my children. They are truly the best thing I have done in my life. I couldn't imagine a better way to spend my life than being Sierra's Mom, and Sienna's Mom, and Levi's Mom.

September 18, 2007

A Little Too Comfortable?

So the girls are totally in love with Lola. Sierra is actually going to bed better so she can get up a half an hour earlier to spend time with Lola. Sienna is still trying to understand Lola. Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish between a puppy's play and aggression. It's equally hard to know how to handle them. But we're having fun trying to figure it all out!

Here's a video of Sienna and Lola playing today. It's a little dark. Sorry. The camera kind of sucks inside the house. I still think it's cute though.

September 17, 2007

A Perfect Fit

Lola is turning out to be a perfect fit for our family. She has taken right up with the kids. I thought she would be a little stand offish with the kids at first, but she hasn't been at all. The girls took her outside to potty and ended up running all over the yard with Lola in hot pursuit! I've already found 2 of Sienna's socks and a happy meal toy in Lola's bed.

Lola has no problems with the girls (with the exception of Sienna's lawn mower). However, she's still trying to get a feel for Levi. They're actually quite cute together. He'll take off after her and she'll get scared and run to her bed. He goes into the bed after her and she's right there to greet him with kisses. This freaks him out and he gets out of the bed with the quickness! It's quite comical!

Here's a quick little video of Lola trying to get a bug this afternoon.

September 16, 2007

Here's Lola!

Introducing our newest family member, Lola! She is an eight week old pug puppy. Too cute, huh? (Like I need one more thing to take care of, right?)

September 14, 2007

God Bless the Vegetable Cup

Introducing the vegetable cup! A great companion to the fruit cup. Now give me a minute to explain my new obsession. As a mother of two toddlers, meal time can be exhausting sometimes. Sometimes, they just don't want to eat. And let's be honest - sometimes I don't feel like making them something to eat! Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about!! We all have those days when you wish you could just toss a pack of bologna and a bag of chips into the living room and be done with it. But, we don't do that. Instead we go to the kitchen and try to create a semi-nutritious meal for our off spring. Now you can put the chips away and grab a vegetable cup instead. Just peel the corner of the top and pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds and you're good to go. I cannot explain how much I am loving these things! Toddler Moms - we no longer have to feel guilty over our children's food intake!! Rejoice!
**I'm not trying to advertise the product. I'm simply sharing one good find.

With all that being said I can't publish a post simply about veggie cups. I have to post a picture of at least one of my many children. So here's a picture of Levi being naughty. He's under my computer desk. Actually, I guess he's on it.

September 10, 2007

What Goes Around Comes Around

I'm a big believer in what goes around comes around. What you put into life is what you get out of life. Meaning if you do good things then good things will come back to you. Pretty simple and basic. Well, here's some pretty simple and basic pictures to back up my thinking.

This is the girls playing yesterday. Sienna would not stop. Sierra did encourage at first but quickly changed her mind. Sienna was having too much fun to care. (I'm sure you've noticed by now that Sienna is always in her panties. She refuses to leave her pants on. I find them shoved in little hiding places all over the house.)

The rest of the pictures are Levi and Sienna playing this morning. What goes around comes around.

September 09, 2007

Life Among Girls

All I can say is poor, poor Levi. I can only imagine what the rest of his life will be like! Sierra did Levi's hair today. She was originally wearing the blue head band but it ended up on Levi. Poor little guy. I don't know how to help him manage his life amongst females. My girls are absolute girly girls, just like their mother. But Levi is ALL boy! I just don't know what to do for him. I hope he doesn't mind getting pretty every now and then!!

Here's a little video of Levi enjoying his dessert yesterday.

September 06, 2007

A New Hat?

The girls and I are constantly trying to put hats on Levi. He won't leave them on. I was wearing a hat (ball cap) one day which prompted the girls to wear hats also. Sienna suggested we get one for Levi too which I thought was a fabulous idea. He would not leave it on and he was diligent in trying to remove our hats as well. However, I finally found a hat that he will wear. He loves his hat and wears it every chance he gets!! I know the last picture is a little blurry but I wanted to show you that he puts it on all by himself.

Also, please notice my beautiful new piece of artwork in the background!! I just couldn't let it go by since it matches my house decor perfectly!!


September 01, 2007

Melon Festival

Thank goodness for the Melon Festival!! Dave and I eat until we're ready to puke and the kids ride rides until they're ready to puke! It's a great day for everyone!:) We got to take Kyle (Dave's nephew) with us. Sierra always gets very excited when she gets to take a cousin with her because then she has a riding buddy. But she got a double dose of excitement today. Kyle's older sister, Christin, was at the festival with some friends and she joined us for some rides too. Sienna even got to ride a few rides. Levi got to watch the fun from his stroller. :( Poor little guy but he'll get to have his day soon enough. Levi did get to eat lots of yummy food though. He loved Daddy's taco from Jim's. And he was very happy with the watermelon ice cream. Overall, we had a really nice day. It's always nice anytime we all get to be together and just enjoy each other!

Sienna's in that first picture if you look close. She's in the middle. Kyle is on the end of the last row in the second picture.